Success Stories

Freecoins24: 500% more users after our Website redesign

Freecoins24, a leading platform for discovering crypto airdrops, approached Creatif Agency to revamp their outdated website. Our team delivered a modern, blockchain-themed design that not only enhanced brand positioning but also significantly improved user engagement.

website redesign benefits

Our team delivered a modern, blockchain-themed design that not only enhanced brand positioning but also significantly improved user engagement. The newly optimized site, complete with advanced features and smooth animations, saw daily users increase from 535 to 3,460 in just two weeks post-launch.

Client Approach: Why Freecoins24 Chose Us

Freecoins24, a key player in the cryptocurrency airdrop space, recognized the need for a comprehensive overhaul of their website. Their old site was outdated, lacked a strong brand identity, and suffered from poor user engagement.

freecoins old website

With a growing demand for a more dynamic and user-friendly platform, Freecoins24 turned to Creatif Agency. They chose us for our proven expertise in the crypto industry and our reputation for delivering high-impact, visually striking web solutions.

Redefining the Brand: Crafting a Unique Identity

The first step in our collaboration was to redefine Freecoins24’s brand identity.

crypto airdrops branding design
Crypto airdrops branding design by Creatif Agency

We aimed to develop a design that not only appealed to the crypto-savvy audience but also positioned Freecoins24 as an industry leader. Our creative team crafted a modern, blockchain-inspired aesthetic that reflects the innovative nature of the cryptocurrency market. This new brand design provided a clear, cohesive visual identity, making Freecoins24 instantly recognizable and memorable among its competitors.

Crypto Airdrops web design

Designing a website for crypto airdrops involves balancing style with functionality. The site must clearly explain the airdrop’s benefits and steps while offering an easy-to-use interface. Key design elements include a visually appealing layout, straightforward navigation, and strong security features to protect user data. It’s also important to have clear calls-to-action and concise information to encourage user participation. A well-designed airdrop website can significantly increase interest and drive successful campaign outcomes.

Advanced Functionalities: Enhancing User Experience

One of the key challenges was to implement advanced features that could handle the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency content. The platform needed to manage various types of listings, such as airdrops that expire at specific times.

Airdrops web design
Airdrops web design, Designed by Creatif Agency

We developed a custom content management system that allows Freecoins24 to seamlessly update and manage these listings. This functionality not only improved the user experience but also ensured that users always had access to the most up-to-date information.

Performance Optimization: Balancing Speed and Complexity

Despite the integration of complex animations, videos, and high-quality imagery, we placed a strong emphasis on performance optimization. The redesigned Freecoins24 website boasts fast page load times and smooth animations, all without compromising on visual appeal. We utilized the latest web technologies to achieve a balance between design complexity and speed, ensuring that the website performs exceptionally well on all devices.

Crypto Web Design Expertise: A Showcase of Innovation

Our deep understanding of the crypto industry web design allowed us to deliver a website that is not only visually stunning but also functionally superior. The new Freecoins24 website is a testament to our ability to combine creativity with technical expertise. From the intuitive user interface to the strategic brand positioning, every element of the site was designed to enhance the user experience and drive engagement.

crypto airdrops web design full
Crypto airdrops website design, by Creatif Agency

The website got more than 500% users after redesign

Impressive Results

The results of the redesign were immediate and impactful. Within just two weeks of the new site’s launch, Freecoins24 experienced a dramatic increase in daily users, jumping from 535 to 3,460 users.

pic here

This significant growth in user engagement highlights the effectiveness of the new design and the enhanced functionality. The updated c  website has not only attracted a larger audience but also solidified Freecoins24’s position as a leader in the cryptocurrency space.

Ongoing partnership

In our ongoing partnership with Freecoins24, we work closely with their team every month to boost SEO and marketing efforts. Our collaboration involves regular updates, the implementation of new strategies, and website optimizations to stay ahead in the fast-changing cryptocurrency industry. By continuously introducing new ideas and improvements, we help Freecoins24 stay at the forefront of the market, driving steady growth and engagement. This regular collaboration is crucial to their ongoing success.

Freecoins24 website redesign
Freecoins24 website redesign by Creatif Agency website can be accessed here.

The Freecoins24 case study demonstrates the power of a well-executed crypto website redesign. At Creatif Agency, we take pride in delivering exceptional results that combine creative vision with technical excellence.

Client review

CreatifAgency review Freecoins24

Whether you’re looking to revamp your existing site and brand, or create a new one from scratch, our team has the expertise to bring your vision to life. Contact us today to discuss how we can drive your business forward.

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